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https://yumurl.com/eTySXu 1680 hits
www.youtube.com - YouTube - Investigators: Brooke Henson Impostor Arrested
The woman investigators said impersonated a missing Travelers Rest woman for several years has been arrested in Chicago ... using another alias... 4/5 stars, 1 rating, 00:02:16, 2,247 views...
Post to: share facebookFaceBook share twitterTwitter 5320 days 22 hr ago

https://yumurl.com/UT8D6h 1673 hits
images.dailyfill.com - Image from the movie The Hangover
The three main actors + baby in elevator, facing camera, 367x258 pixels...
Post to: share facebookFaceBook share twitterTwitter 5318 days 22 hr ago

https://yumurl.com/iTATa5 1656 hits
www.telegraph.co.uk - Is this the end of food as we know it? - Telegraph
A new film paints an apocalyptic picture of a world reduced to tinned goods. But could it ever happen here, asks Bee Wilson...
Post to: share facebookFaceBook share twitterTwitter 5311 days 22 hr ago

https://yumurl.com/IXAFu0 1641 hits
audrey.buzznet.com - DIY Japanese Cell Phone Case - Buzznet
My old cell phone case was getting kinda beat up. I got this amazing idea after looking through my Japanese fashion magazines. They always have the most amazing stuff with tons of clutter glued on?
Post to: share facebookFaceBook share twitterTwitter 5298 days 22 hr ago

https://yumurl.com/ULuwHi 1618 hits
austin.bizjournals.com - Westin and W hotels to hire 436 in Austin - Austin Business Journal:
Westin and W hotels to hire 436 in Austin...
Post to: share facebookFaceBook share twitterTwitter 5310 days 22 hr ago

https://yumurl.com/hZfewT 1612 hits
news.bbc.co.uk - BBC News - UK agencies to help in Haiti earthquake rescue
Emergency crews, charities and the UK government help with a rescue operation in Haiti after it was hit by an earthquake.
Post to: share facebookFaceBook share twitterTwitter 5309 days 22 hr ago

https://yumurl.com/U5T1PG 1587 hits
news.bbc.co.uk - BBC News - People who look young for their age 'live longer'
People blessed with youthful faces are more likely to live to a ripe old age than those who look more than their years, work shows. Danish scientists say appearance alone can predict survival, after they studied 387 pairs of twins...
Post to: share facebookFaceBook share twitterTwitter 5339 days 22 hr ago

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